Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Prosedur Cara Teknik Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Nutrisi Peroral

Prosedur Cara Teknik Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Nutrisi Peroral

Prosedur Cara Teknik Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Nutrisi Peroral ini adalah kelanjutan posting sebelumnya (Baca : Prosedur Cara Teknik Penghisapan Lendir )

Kebutuhan nutrisi bagi tubuh merupakan suatu kebutuhan dasar manusia yang sangat penting. Dilihat dari kegunaannya, nutrisi merupakan sumber energi untuk segala aktivitas dalam sistem tubuh.

Sumber nutrisi dalam tubuh berasal dari dalam tubuh sendiri, seperti glikogen yang terdapat dalam otot dan hati ataupun protein dan lemak dalam jaringan dan sumber lain yang berasal dari luar tubuh seperti yang sehari-hari dimakan oleh manusia. Pemenuhan kebutuhan nutrisi pada anak akan sangat berguna dalam membantu proses tumbuh-kembang.

Prosedur Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Nutrisi pada orang sakit yang tidak mampu secara mandiri dapat dilakukan dengan cara membantu memenuhinya melalui oral (mulut), enteral (pipa lambung) atau parenteral (infus).

Pemberian Nutrisi Melalui Oral (Mulut)

Tindakan Pemberian Nutrisi Melalui Oral (Mulut) ini merupakan tindakan keperawatan yang dilakukan pada klien yang tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi per-oral secara mandiri

Tindakan Pemberian Nutrisi Melalui Oral (Mulut)

Tujuan Pemberian Nutrisi Melalui Oral (Mulut)

  1. Memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi pasien

Alat dan Bahan Pemberian Nutrisi Melalui Oral (Mulut)

  1. Piring
  2. Sendok
  3. Garpu
  4. Gelas
  5. Serbet
  6. Mangkok cuci tangan
  7. Pengalas
  8. Makanan dengan menu dan porsi sesuai dengan program

Prosedur Kerja Pemberian Nutrisi Melalui Oral (Mulut)

  1. Berikan penjelasan
  2. Cuci tangan
  3. Atur posisi pasien dengan duduk atau setengah duduk sesuai dengan kondisi pasien
  4. Pasang pengalas
  5. Tawarkan pasien melakukan ritual makan (misalnya: berdo'a sebelum makan)
  6. Bantu aktivitas dengan cara menyuap makan sedikit demi sedikit dan berikan minum sesudah makan
  7. Bila selesai makan, bersihkan mulut pasien dan anjurkan duduk sbentar
  8. Catat tindakan dan hasil atau respons terhadap tindakan
  9. Cuci tangan setelah prosedur dilakukan


A. Aziz Alimul Hidayat, S.Kp, ?Buku Saku Praktikum Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia? Penulis: A. Aziz Alimul Hidayat, S.Kp, Musrifatul Uliyah, S.Kp; Editor: Monica Ester.- Jakarta : EGC : 2004

Posting berlanjut dengan (Baca : Pemberian Nutrisi Melalui Pipa Lambung)

Monday, 23 July 2012

Prosedur Cara Teknik Penghisapan Lendir

Prosedur Cara Teknik Penghisapan Lendir

Penghisapan lendir (Suction) merupakan tindakan keperawatan yang dilakukan pada klien yang tidak mampu mengeluarkan sekret atau lendir secara mandiri dengan menggunakan alat penghisap

Posting ini adalah kelanjutan posting sebelumnya (baca : Cara Tindakan Keperawatan Clapping dan Vibrating)

Tujuan Penghisapan Lendir

  1. Membersihkan jalan nafas
  2. Memenuhi kebutuhan oksigenasi

Alat dan Bahan Penghisapan Lendir

  1. Alat penghisap lendir dengan botol berisi larutan desinfektan
  2. Kateter penghisap lendir steril
  3. Pinset steril
  4. Sarung tangan steril
  5. Dua kom berisi larutan Aquades atau NaCl 0,9% dan larutan desinfektan
  6. Kasa steril
  7. Kertas tissue
  8. Stetoskop

Prosedur Kerja Penghisapan Lendir

  1. Jelaskan prosedur yang akan dilaksanakan
  2. Cuci tangan
  3. Tempatkan pasien pada posisi terlentang dengan kepala miring ke arah perawat
  4. Gunakan/Pakai sarung tangan
  5. Hubungkan kateter penghisap dengan slang alat penghisap
  6. Mesin penghisap dihidupkan
  7. Lakukan penghisapan lendir dengan memasukkan kateter penghisap kedalam kom berisi aquades atau NaCl 0,9% untuk mempertahankan tingkat kesterilan (asepsis)
  8. Masukkan kateter penghisap dalam keadaan tidak menghisap
  9. Gunakan alat penghisap dengan tekanan 110 - 150 mmHg untuk dewasa, 95 - 11- mmHg untuk anak-anak dan 50 - 95 mmHg untuk bayi (Potter & Perry, 1995)
  10. Tarik dengan memutar kateter penghisap tidak lebih dari 15 detik
  11. Bilas kateter dengan aquades atau NaCl 0,9%
  12. Lakukan penghisapan antara penghisapan pertama dengan berikutnya, minta pasien untuk bernafas dalam dan batuk. Apabila pasien mengalami distress pernafasan, biarkan istirahat 20 - 30 detik sebelum melakukan penghisapan berikutnya
  13. Setelah selesai, kaji jumlah, konsistensi, warna, bau sekret dan respons pasien terhadap prosedur yang dilakukan
  14. Cuci tangan setelah prosedur dilakukan

Penghisapan Lendir


A. Aziz Alimul Hidayat, S.Kp, ?Buku Saku Praktikum Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia? Penulis: A. Aziz Alimul Hidayat, S.Kp, Musrifatul Uliyah, S.Kp; Editor: Monica Ester.- Jakarta : EGC : 2004

Posting berlanjut dengan (Baca : Prosedur Cara Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Nutrisi)

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Prosedur Cara Tindakan Keperawatan Clapping dan Vibrating

Clapping dan Vibrating

Untuk Tujuan, Alat dan Bahan Prosedur Cara Tindakan Keperawatan Clapping dan Vibrating, sesuai dengan posting sebelumnya (Baca : Prosedur Cara Postural Drainase dan Fisioterapi Dada ) agar dapat mengikuti posting Prosedur Cara Tindakan Keperawatan Clapping dan Vibrating.

Prosedur Kerja Cara Tindakan Keperawatan Clapping dan Vibrating

  1. Jelaskan prosedur yang akan dilakukan
  2. Cuci tangan
  3. Atur posisi sesuai dengan drainase postural
  4. Lakukan clapping atau vibrasi pada :
    1. Seluruh lebar bahu atau meluas beberapa jari ke klavicula apabila daerah paru yang perlu di clapping/vibrasi adalah daerah bronkhus apikal
    2. Lebar bahu masing-masing sisi apabila yang akan di clapping dan vibrasi adalah daerah bronkus posterior
    3. Dada depan di bawah clavicula, apabila yang akan di clapping dan vibrasi adalah daerah bronkus anterior
    4. Anterior dan lateral dada kanan dan lipat ketiak sampai mid-anterior dada apabila yang akan di clapping dan vibrasi adalah daerah lobus tengah (bronkus lateral dan medial
    5. Lipat ketiak kiri sampai mid-anterior dada apabila yang akan di clapping dan vibrasi adalah daerah bronkus superir dan inferior
    6. Sepertiga bawah costae posterior kedua sisi, apabila yang akan di clapping dan vibrasi adalah daerah bronkus apikal
    7. Sepertiga bawah costae posterior kedua sisi, apabila yang akan di clapping dan vibrasi adalah daerah bronkus medial
    8. Sepertiga bawah costae posterior kanan, apabila yang akan di clapping dan vibrasi adalah daerah bronkus lateral
    9. Sepertiga bawah costae posterior kedua sisi, apabila yang akan di Clapping dan Vibrating adalah daerah bronkus posterior
  5. Lakukan clapping dan vibrasi selam kurang lebih 1 menit
  6. Setelah dilakukan tindakan drainase postural, clapping dan vibrasi, dapat dilakukan tindakan penghisapan lendir (Baca : Penghisapan Lendir)
  7. Lakukan auskultasi pada daerah paru yang dilakukan tindakan drainase postural, clapping dan vibrasi.
  8. Cuci tangan setelah prosedur dilakukan

Cara Tindakan Keperawatan Clapping dan Vibrating


A. Aziz Alimul Hidayat, S.Kp, ?Buku Saku Praktikum Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia? Penulis: A. Aziz Alimul Hidayat, S.Kp, Musrifatul Uliyah, S.Kp; Editor: Monica Ester.- Jakarta : EGC : 2004

Posting berlanjut dengan ( Baca : Prosedur Cara Teknik Penghisapan Lendir )

Friday, 20 July 2012

The City of Fools

As a newspaper journalist, you are sent to a small town of Tundel. A UFO is rumored to have landed there, but the local mayor tries to conceal the fact. Geared up to learn the truth about the mysterious event, you try to interview the mayor but finding him appears harder than it seemed. The way to his door turns up a real challenge to your courage, selflessness and wit. Overcome all the incredible obstacles, find the mayor and become a hero.

? Amusing animation
? About 500 locations
? 100 hours in Expert mode
? 8 hours in Casual mode
? 10 fun mini-games
? Original comic story-line

DOWNLOAD (237mb)

Life Quest 2: Metropoville for PC

Move to Metropoville and begin a 12 step Life Quest program! Find a new rewarding career in this incredible Strategy game! Upgrade your vehicle, purchase a pet, and even find true love as you move up the social ladder. Go from rags to riches and complete challenging quests and difficult objectives to earn cash that you can invest in yourself! Race around Metropoville taking important classes, working awesome jobs, and enjoying your day in Life Quest 2: Metropoville!

Game Features:
? Find A New Career
? Complete Challenges
? Move To Metropoville!

DOWNLOAD (118mb)

Dead Hungry Diner for PC

?Dead Hungry Diner? is a fun and fast paced action-puzzler with a fresh approach to restaurant management. Guide Gabe and Gabby, the orphan twins, and discover the secrets of Ravenwood village. Seat, serve and satisfy a variety of monsters but be quick before they get impatient and leave without paying. Call Frankie the bouncer to break up fights between feuding customers. Use a pinch of magic to perfect your customer service and build up big bucks. With a bulging bank balance visit the ?Blackest Market? and purchase power ups. Revel in more than 50 levels and two game modes of a monster feeding frenzy and manage the most unusual restaurant you have ever seen.

  • 55 Levels across 5 worlds
  • Select between two player characters: Gabe and Gabby
  • In-game tutorial
  • Story and Endless mode
  • Variety of Unique Monster Customers
  • Keep the peace with Frankie, the bouncer
  • Use Spells and Abilities to overcome challenges
  • Unlock Upgrades for Spells 

Jigsaw Boom for PC

Put together challenging Puzzles as quickly as you can in Jigsaw Boom! Open up this virtual box of jigsaw madness and piece together tons of different images. Change the number of pieces per puzzle, turn on rotating pieces, and choose from different categories in this incredible game. With an awesome atmosphere and beautiful images, each puzzle is sure to transport you to a peaceful place in Jigsaw Boom!

Game Features:
Incredible Images
Fantastic Atmosphere
Put Together Challenging Puzzles!


Flock! for PC

FLOCK! uses a sophisticated physics engine that drives the challenging puzzle elements of the game. Whether it?s using the Tractor beam to move obstacles out of the way, or the Depressor beam to stamp out crop circles to guide your herds, being an extraterrestrial has never been this addictive. Friends can also join in through co-op play. And when all the levels have been completed, users can make their own with the level editor that comes with the game. Flock comes packed with so much content, the potential fun is out of this world!

  • Over 50 levels of pastoral puzzle challenges
  • Explore levels to find secret collectables and upgrades
  • Level Editor allows players to make their own ?plushie? and puzzle-filled levels and share them with their friends online
  • Two-player local co-op mode makes the ?flocking? exponentially fun
  • Compelling environments complemented by a whimsical art style, beautiful lighting and distinctive textures make this one of the most graphically-advanced downloadable titles to date
  • Real-world physics engine creates all new types of puzzles: pick up wooden planks to form bridges, move items to create obstructions, crush wheat into pathways

Dustforce for PC

Clean up the world with style! As an acrobatic janitor, you are an adept force against dust and disorder. Leap and dash off walls and ceilings, and deftly traverse precarious environments. Cleanse each level swiftly and thoroughly to achieve mastery in this 2D sweep-'em-up platformer.

Key Features:
Over 50 levels varying in difficulty from elegant exploration levels to intense challenges for hardcore players.
Compete on the online leaderboard and instantly watch replays of every players' best attempts.
Play against your friends with local multiplayer matches.
Roam through a myriad of beautiful environments accompanied by an original soundtrack.

DOWNLOAD (270mb)

*You need to download both files.
*Extract using Winrar

Cake Shop 3 for PC


Cake Mania 5: Lights, Camera, Action!

Return to Jill Evans hometown of Bakersfield in Sandlot Games? Cake Mania: Lights, Camera, Action!?, the highly anticipated fifth chapter in one of the most popular time management series of all-time! Download Game and Play for Free!

Now an attractive and quaint tourist destination bustling with new stores, Bakersfield has caught the eye of Hollywood producers scouting locations to film their next big action blockbuster. As production gets underway, Bakersfield is overrun with all-new eccentric personalities determined to mix and mingle with the locals.

With the influx of customers, help Jack and Jill keep the Evans Bakery running smoothly as they prepare for the arrival of their new baby. Across town, help Chef Gordo grow his burgeoning Italian restaurant and assist Risha with her fashionable new boutique. With updated shop mechanics, equipment upgrades, mouth-watering recipes, and an all-new Relaxed Mode, you?ll have Bakersfield on the A-list in no time!

  • 110 levels of fast paced action
  • Upgrade 3 unique shops teeming with hilarious customers
  • Buy and sell over 30 unique shop upgrades
  • Unlock and purchase over 30 mouth-watering ingredients
  • Expand your fashion shop inventory with 25 stylish clothing collections
  • All-new Relaxed Mode
DOWNLOAD (109mb)

Long Distance Love for PC Full Version

 Spot the Difference
Long Distance Love depicts a touching and romantic love story told in pictures. The main heroes are two charming young people, Mary and Tom, met by coincidence at an airport in Los Angeles. Little did they know, a few innocent dates would change their lives forever. Each new level allows you to find out more and more about their story. Long Distance Love is a story that could happen to anyone. It's a game that brings back sweet memories from your past and gives you hope as well.


Luxor - 5th Passage

Get ready to wield your winged-scarab shooter in an all-new LUXOR! Unlock all 20 achievements as you collect falling treasures and eliminate the oncoming chains of spheres in the #1 action-puzzle game. Save ancient Egypt in the 100-level Adventure mode, or test your accuracy in Blast mode?the 2-minute timed mode that challenges you to rack up the points. Four new power-ups, 25 all-new backgrounds and pathways, and introducing the Eye of Horus button?click the button when you?re in a real jam to eliminate all remaining spheres!

Key Features:
* 100 all-new Adventure Mode levels
* Classic LUXOR game play style with 25 all-new backgrounds & pathways
* New bonus stage
* 4 difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, Hard & INSANE
* 20 Achievements to earn
* All-new Blast Mode lets you test your skills in two minutes!
* Players? Choice Mode includes 15 fan-favorite levels from LUXOR 2, LUXOR 3 & Quest for the Afterlife
* Eye of Horus lets you summon the Pharaoh to destroy the remaining spheres!
* 4 all-new power-ups: Double Shooter, Black Hole, Spiker, & Lead Barrage


Behind the Reflection 2 : Witch's Revenge Full

A witch's quest for revenge spells trouble for a young mother and her son in this haunting hidden object adventure! Guide the mother as she pursues the witch through time and space to save her son from a fate worse than death. Interact with a variety of characters, find useful objects, and then use the items to solve cunning puzzles.

The variety of quests you must take on will keep you pressing forward to the game's shocking conclusion: Collect battle armor for a talking skeleton, assemble a special key belonging to an exorcist and save a witch from burning at the stake, all in an effort to stay on the trail of your nemesis! Beautiful artwork brings each scene to life, while the use of pictures instead of word lists simplifies the process of looking for hidden objects, even as the creators of the game employ clever new ways of hiding things in plain sight. Can you rise above every challenge and triumph over evil?

DOWNLOAD (250mb)

Bookworm Adventures Volume 2

Stop the presses! The walls of fiction are collapsing as characters run wild through the Great Library, and only Lex the Bookworm can save the world from certain doom! Build words and battle monsters to survive three storybooks with 10 chapters each. Trade barbs, banter and body blows with over 130 foes, and earn help from fighting friends along the way!

The better the word, the badder the damage ? so power up with over 20 treasures, including all-new Rainbow Tiles. Work wordy wonders in all four game modes and flex your lexicon in six mini-games. It's a role-playing word game you can't set down!

  • Survive three all-new books with 10 chapters each: Fractured Fairytales, The Monkey King and Astounding Planet!
  • Wield 20+ powerful new treasures against over 130 ferocious new foes!
  • Combine forces with six colorful companions including Mother Goose, the Cheshire Cat and the mischievous Monkey King!
  • Play four game modes: Adventure, Mini-Games, Arena and the infinite Replay mode!

Bookworm Adventures Deluxe

Build words and battle monsters in this spelling sensation! Help Lex rescue his friend Cassandra by forming words from the letter jumble. Survive three mythic storybooks and boost your power with fantastic gems, potions and magical treasures. It?s the ultimate test of vocabulary valor!


The Island - Castaway 2 for PC

Discover The Island?s past as you travel back in time! Explore the familiar paths and take on new quests in The Island: Castaway 2! Find out why the tribe left the old village, discover what the Sanctuary looked like, and learn how the ship appeared right in the Heart of the Island in this incredible Strategy game. Become one of the tribesmen and learn all of the tribe?s secrets as you overcome obstacles and save the day in The Island: Castaway 2!

DOWNLOAD (151mb)

The Island - Castaway for PC

An ocean liner was caught in a storm and wrecked in the ocean. A group of people managed to escape having reached on life boats the nearest tropical island. Hardly had they time to make a decision what to do next mysterious things started to happen. One of them finds an ancient inscription on the sand. Being a scholar on classic languages he understands:  it can?t be a joke from one of the castaways. The inscription says they aren?t alone on the island?

Play the role of Tom Allison and go deep into the island to find out what mysteries are hidden by this forgotten place. To survive the perils of the island fraught with dangerous wild animals and natural hazards you?ll have to find food, collect fruit and grow vegetables. Learn to fish and chase after wild boars, catch snakes and find rare plants. Explore enigmatic island, find clues and solve 200 diverse quests.  Are you able to survive and get back home? Plunge into the world of adventures as you play an extremely addictive simulation game The Island: Castaway.

DOWNLOAD (133mb)

FL Studio v10.0.9c Signature Bundle Complete

FL Studio is one of the world's most popular and exciting music production systems. Everything you need in one package to compose, arrange, record, edit, mix and master professional quality music.

What can FL Studio do?
  • Audio editing and manipulation including pitch correction, pitch shifting, harmonization, time-stretching, beat-detection & slicing, audio warping and standard audio manipulation (cut/paste etc).
  • Automate most interface and all plugin parameters by recording, drawing, and using spline-based automation curves or automation generators with formula-based control of links.
  • Be hosted in other DAWs as a VST or connected through ReWire.
  • Live music performance including video effect visualization.
  • Mix and remix audio, including application of real-time audio effects such as delay, reverb & filtering.
  • Multi-track audio recording.
  • Record & play MIDI input recording from keyboards, drum pads and controllers.
  • Sequencing and arranging.
  • Synthesizer & effect plugin hosting (VST 32 & 64 bit, DX and FL Native format)
DOWNLOAD (234mb)
*Download both parts, extract using Winrar